Apple WestCo Creative Team (circa 2008)
Truly a throwback to some really great times in my life. This is the Creative crew from Apple West County in St. Louis, MO.
Captain Dave
This is my good compadre, Dave. A sailor since his youth, a submariner who served our country, and a Master Scheduler with the voice of Jack Nicholson. Our paths first crossed when I joined Vantine Imaging in the summer of 2016. Dave helped show me the ropes at Vantine, and taught me plenty along the way. When I learned he was a sailor and expressed interest in coming along, he was generous enough to welcome me aboard his vessel, a 1967 37’ Chris-Craft Apache with classic lines and a navy hull. She was designed by Sparkman & Stephens and weighs in at about 15,000 lbs with a 5’9” draft and a 50’ keel-stepped mast. There were only 80 ever built. She’s a beauty, and compliments the man very well.
Dave taught me a lot about sailing and I appreciate his willingness to share his knowledge.
Fair winds and calm seas, Skipper!
For the first time on my blog, these are not my images. Photo credit goes to Kim Koennecke. She sailed with us this day and captured a series of images with her iPhone. I spent a bit of time with them in post to provide the look.
A character study of a huge personality in a tiny person. My daughter continues to inspire me daily. I can't wait to see where life takes her! She's a born entertainer, and a sweet soul.
Love the light in this. Backlit by the setting sun. Profoto in a 22” white beauty dish.
Lancaster, PA

ryan meyers | apple stl
Ryan Meyers. He's like James Dean reincarnated. The cool this kid posseses is contagious.
Ryan Walters | Central New York Photographer
This is Tara. She was the furthest thing from a bridezilla, but we wanted to do something creative, so we staged this shot. Cheers to all three of you for portraying your character so believably!
ian christopher | happy 2nd birthday, son!
The Legendary Second Year Begins
Two years. And every single day has been completely amazing. Son, you are teaching me why I'm here, and for that, I'll be forever grateful. Watching you discover new things has become my favorite past time, and I struggle to remember what was significant in life before you were born. I love you, man! Here's to the incredible two's; the messes, the shenanigans, the adventures! I can't wait!
Love Daddy.
Ryan Walters | Central New York Photographer
derek webb | nashville, tn
Amisha Bhatt. Business extraordinaire and sharp as a tack. She's focused, driven, and resilient. I had the privilege of calling her a colleague for several years while living in the city of St. Louis, MO. This image was about eighteen months in the making, as life moved me in a whirlwind of directions. Thanks for your patience, Amisha.
Ryan Walters | Central New York Photographer
This is Bre. We met up for an impromptu shoot on the outskirts on Indianapolis while I was road tripping from St. Louis to upstate New York. My direction for the shoot was that of a bohemian vagabond from the 1970's, and I think Bre pulled it off very well! There's some Janis Joplin soul in her swag, and I like it! Thanks for being game on such short notice!
Ryan Walters | Central New York Photographer
Ryan Walters | Central New York Photographer
holly marie | ithaca farmer's market
On a recent location scout in Ithaca, NY, Holly and I discovered the Ithaca Farmer's Market. It was pouring down rain, so we were in search of a vacant, covered space to test some new gear and pull off a shoot in a pinch, if ever we were challenged to do so with a client. This space was inspiring! Constructed of old raw lumber, it must have been the length of a football fiield at least, and it provided endless possibilities. I was testing a new modifier with a speedlight for a lean and mean lighing kit in situations where I want to stay very light and mobile, but still have some lighting control over the environment. We were set up and shooting in a matter of minutes! Holly was gracious enough to endulge my expolration of the new kit, and we had a great time! It's been way too long since we did this sort of thing together, and I miss it. She was stellar, beautiful, and willing to let go and just have fun. The shoot yielded several memorable images, but this one is my favorite.
Ryan Walters | Central New York Photographer
18 months
This is my brother. He accompanied me on a recent portrait project and stood in for my test shot. I'm not able to publish the images we captured just yet, but I'm excited about this project! A book should result from it in the coming months. Thanks for your help, man!
Ryan Walters | St. Louis Photographer
This is not Johnny's Shannon Rhodes, but his bone structure and wardrobe, coupled with the awkward crop, reads like Depp's character in Secret Window to me. Thanks for lending your face, man.
Ryan Walters | St. Louis Photographer